Bank Saderat Iran always makes every effort to provide all our customers with excellent customer service. In the rare case that we might not get things right, let us know what happened so we can resolve it.

In order to file a complaints with any of our Products or Services, please follow the following steps:

  • 1. Approach your branch in writing to resolve your complaint stating in the letter that you intend to refer the grievance
  • 2. You can raise your complaint through the dedicated email system: with relevant details likes name & address, account No. and the details of your concerns
  • 3. Complaint/Suggestions can be sent to the following address with relevant details:

Complaint Management, Bank Saderat Iran, Al Maktoum road, Dubai UAE. Tel +9714 6035267 Email:


Within 2 business days of the receipt

Final reply

Within 2 weeks if the complaint is of minor nature and does not require detailed investigation. However, final reply must be issued within 30 complete business days from the lodgment of the complaint.